Sunday 3 June 2007

Language, Melting table

A melting dinner setting, representing the transient nature of the English language. Constructed from paper and ice.

Miniature House

A miniature house inspired by Richard Hamilton.

Random Photos

A few photos which I've taken that I like.

Urban Typography, Agoraphobia

A layout in response to the brief 'Urban Culture'. About agoraphobia and claustrophobia.

Unphotography, Suffocation

Lots of tension and inappropriate bare skin.

Love and Hate

A domestic relationship. If only she had have argued back.

Some more family portraits

A bit of spare time over the christmas holidays...

Fake Project

Some fake porn. Woke up in the launderette and it was all just a tame dream.

Obsolete, Not

Some contraptions made from obsolte objects. A miniature self contained environment in a light bulb and a had powered fan made from a VHS recorder and scrap metal from a boiler.

Family Picnic

Family picnic with a twist. Inspired by David LaChapelle's photos.

Is It?

Viral Video. Some Inappropriate laughter.

Coffee Drinking Foolery

Creating a celebrity. "The Perculator": A coffee drinking champion.